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ARI Fidenza


International Amateur Radio Award

“Discovering Marconi” is an international amateur radio diploma organized by the A.R.I. Radio Club of Fidenza (ITALY), with the patronage and historical supervision of
Marconi Museum

(Guglielmo Marconi Foundation)

Commemorating the 150th anniversary from the birth of the great Italian scientist (1874), this award aims to delve deeper into the thought, vision capacity and character of Guglielmo Marconi, through selected, significant fragments from some of his many public speeches, with an excursus, moving from the first scientific reports to the last radio message, he sent just a few months before his sudden death, occurred in 1937.

As summarized by Dr. Barbara Valotti, director of the Marconi Museum and curator of the relevant historical research:
“Guglielmo Marconi was the initiator of one of the most extraordinary changes and innovations at the origins of the contemporary world: his invention, a wireless telegraphy system developed in 1895, started the era of radio communications.
Thanks to his ability to combine singular technological ability and a concrete entrepreneurial spirit, Marconi dedicated himself to the development of his invention and, over the course of a career that lasted forty years, he was an inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, great protagonist and, above all, the innovator and creator of the new field he had started when he was just twenty years old: wireless communications.”

The award dedicates each month of 2024 to a specific phrase pronounced by Guglielmo Marconi, which is resumed in a single "keyword", summarizing and characterizing its content. The special and exclusive amateur radio callsign associated with each month also contains an acronym from this keyword.

TENACITY "Neither censorship nor praise can shake my faith in the future of these means of communicating information. This is the firm belief that I hold in myself, as the aim of my life: the development of telegraphy through waves in the ether". (Memories 1895 -1899)
INTUITION "In my home near Bologna, Italy, since 1895 I undertook tests and experiments aimed at establishing whether it was possible to remotely transmit, by means of Hertzian waves, telegraph signals and conventional signs without resorting to wire connection". (Award of the Nobel Prize for Physics; Stockholm, 1909)
SUCCESS "I am convinced that the success of transatlantic radiotelegraphy proved that the technological feat of ensuring that telegraphy through space could reach any point on the small planet on which we live was certainly within the reach of our practical and economic possibilities". (Guglielmo Marconi, 1909)
DETERMINATION "I always believed in myself, dreamed that I would become someone, that I would make the world talk. I imagine every young person thinks this about themselves - but I believed it with greater conviction". (Interview given to U.S.A. journalist Kate Carew; New York, 1912)
THE SEA "Radio technology by means of long, short and medium waves is now at the service of navigation: radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony provide ships with information on the time, weather conditions, maritime alarms and more generally news on world events, as well as facilitating correspondence between passengers and ensuring contacts between shipowners and their vessels. [...] As regards the sea, therefore, and independently of the developments that have taken place in communication on land, I feel that my initial belief regarding the possibilities of this form of communication has proven to be fully justified. As a person deeply attached to the sea, I am proud to have been able to provide this service to the high seas community". (Guglielmo Marconi, 1912)
RADIO BROADCAST FOR EVERYBODY "I believe, and I am confident in stating this, that radio, having contributed so greatly to the safety of life at sea, to commerce and to commercial and military communications, is also destined to bring new and, until recently, unexpected opportunities for healthy recreation and education in the lives of millions of human beings". (Conference “Radiotelegraphy” at Radio Institute of Electrical Engineers; New York, 1922)
INNOVATION "During the war I began to consider the possible alternative that could be offered in communications between two fixed points by waves of only a few meters in length... I was enormously impressed by the advantage that such a system would have, both for energy saving and for the possibility of reducing noise and interference". (Conference “Radiocommunication”; England, October 1926)
BORDER FREE "We are far from knowing how to fully utilize the prodigious possibilities that electric waves offer us [...] The great conquests already made allow us, however, to assert with certainty that, by means of electric waves, humanity not only has at its disposal new and powerful means of scientific research, but it is gaining new strength and using a new weapon of civilization and progress that knows no borders and can even reach into infinite spaces[...]".  (Conference at “Italian Society for the Progress of Sciences”; Trento, Italy, September 1930)
OUTSIDER "My long experience has taught me not to always believe in limitations based on purely theoretical considerations or even on calculations since, as we know, they are often based on imperfect knowledge of all the most important factors; I have instead always considered appropriate to follow new lines of research even when these seemed at first sight unpromising of good results". (Conference at Royal Institution of Great Britain; December 1932)
VISION  "Since 1895, that is, at the beginning of my experiments, I had the strong intuition, I would almost say the clear and certain vision, that radiotelegraphic transmissions would be possible across the greatest distances". (Re-enactment of the first transatlantic broadcast in 1901; audio recording from 1932)
BUILDING THE FUTURE "There have been three great moments in my life as an inventor. The first, when the radio signals I sent rang a bell on the other side of the room in which I was carrying out my experiments; the second, when the signals transmitted from my Poldhu station, in Cornwall, were picked up by the receiver I listened to in St. John of Newfoundland, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of about 3000 km; the third is now, whenever I can imagine future possibilities and feel that my life's work and efforts have provided a solid foundation on which we can continue to build". (Guglielmo Marconi, December 1935)
FOR THE COMMON GOOD "In radio we have an appropriate tool to unite the peoples of the world, to make their voices, their needs and their aspirations heard. The meaning of this modern medium is thus fully revealed: a broad communication route for the improvement of our mutual relations is available to us today; we just have to follow its course in a spirit of tolerance and solidarity, ready to use the achievements of science and human ingenuity for the common good". (Speech at the Forum del Chicago Tribune Forum; 1937)

IQ4FE "JOLLY" Station - A.R.I. FIDENZA Radio Club - updated November, 30

Note: Marconian special calls with the prefix IY4 are active only on specific days and exclusively by transmitting from the radio room of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation - Marconi Museum.

Click on the callsigns in the table to check your presence at LOG
and award statistics

International Annual Marconi Award 2024
Award Rules

To perform as many QSOs as possible with the special commemorative stations listed above.

In addition to the listed monthly special callsigns, during the whole year 2024 the “Jolly station” IQ4FE will be also on air.
The contacts with this station will allow to recover up to a maximum of two not contacted monthly callsigns, according to the following rule:
- To recover 1 monthly special callsign: at least 3 QSOs with IQ4FE during the year are required;
- To recover 2 monthly special callsigns: at least 6 QSOs with IQ4FE during the year are required;

During the whole year, some A.R.I. Fidenza special call signs with prefix IY4 will be also randomly active on the air.
Prior to their activation these special call signs will be timely announced on the official website www.arifidenza.it and, at the end of the award, they will account for getting a special “150 years Certificate”, according to the rule specified in this document.

From 00.01 UTC of January 1 st, 2024 to 23.59 UTC of December 31st, 2024

The award is worldwide, open to all licensed Radio Amateurs all over the world. SWLs can compete to obtain the participation award.

CW, SSB and all admitted digital modes, e.g.: RTTY, FT8, JT65, JT9, PSK

1) HF (WARC bands included): 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28, 50 MHz
2) VHF (144 MHz)
3) UHF (430 MHz)
4) Satellite band OSCAR 100, using all emission modes permitted for this band and in compliance with the relevant Band Plan.
Digital OSCAR 100 admitted modes include both narrow band modes and broad band DATV over trasponder.

Only the RS(T) report is required.

Each commemorative station, as well as the “Jolly station” IQ4FE, can be contacted by the same station (callsign) only one time per day on the same band and using the same emission mode.
Any additional contact with the same station on the same day, on the same band and using the same emission mode will be considered as a DUPE QSO, and its score will be set to zero points.

Each valid (e.g. not dupe) QSO accounts for:
- 1 point for NON QRP stations (emission power > 5 W)
- 2 points for QRP stations (emission power ≤ 5 W)

The final score is the sum of all QSO scores obtained during the year.

No log is required to be sent by the participating stations.
The logs of the special commemorative stations will be published monthly on the official website www.arifidenza.it .
As a general rule, each monthly log will be uploaded within the 10th of the following month.

SWLs interested in receiving the participation award must send their electronic log, only in ADIF format, by 31 January 2025 to the address marconiaward<at>arifidenza.it.
SWL paper logs, as well as electronic logs in a format different from adif, will not be accepted.

There is only one participation category: ranking is assigned according to the absolute obtained score.

- There are three different award’s certificates:
1) A Participation Certificate will be awarded to every station having contacted at least one time each of the twelwe award’s monthly special callsigns.
2) “150 years certificate” will be awarded to every station having contacted at least one time each of the twelwe award’s monthly special callsigns and all special A.R.I Fidenza IY4 call signs activated during the year 2024
3) A Special Certificate (Gold, Silver, Bronze) will be awarded to the first, second and third best scored participants respectively, based on the overall annual score.
All certificates will be made available for download on www.arifidenza.it .
The final award’s ranking will also be published on the same website.

The official reference website for any info related to this award is: www.arifidenza.it
Reference email for further information:

The A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee is responsible for any evaluation or decision on aspects related to the award, including any judgement about compliance with (or infringement of) the rules stated in this document during the activity On Air and any related litigation.
All participants are expected to follow a respectful behavior, according to the general fair play principles and “HAM Spirit”.
In case of any documented evidence of violation of the rules stated in this document, as well as in case of unfair, unsportsmanlike behavior, the A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee is empowered to take adequate disciplinary actions, including score cut back or disqualification. The decisions taken by the A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee will be irrevocable and unappellable.


QSL Manager : IQ4FE - QSL via bureau or direct

For Direct QSL: please no IRC - no stamps !

For Italy: SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope);
For Europe: 2 US $ + SAE (Self Addressed Envelope);
For Pacific Area: 4 US $ + SAE;
For other countries: 3 US $ + SAE;

For any insufficient money contribution, the QSL will be sent via bureau.

As a general rule, each monthly log will be uploaded within the 10th of the following month.


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