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ARI Fidenza - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - IYMKD Segnali nel Vento


Signals In The Wind

Ferrara, - Italy - April, 25-28, 2013

IY4MKD (Marconi Kite Day)

www.arifidenza.it – www.ari-ferrara.it

A.R.I. - Italian Amateur Radio Association – Radio Clubs of Ferrara and Fidenza (PR) were the promoters of a technical and cultural event that was held in the city of Ferrara (Italy) from April 25th to the 28th,

The event aims at highlighting internationally the genius of the work of Guglielmo Marconi and spreading the knowledge of his figure as an inventor, replicating the experiment of raising an antenna with a kite. That experiment seems to have been done many times by Marconi, particularly during the historical trans-oceanic wireless transmission of December 1901 between Poldhu, in Cornwall (England) and St. John’s Newfoundland (Canada), through which he proved that electromagnetic waves were able to overcome the curvature of the earth, despite the doubts of scientists of the time.

Replicating that historical event, amateur radio of Fidenza and Ferrara ARI Radio Clubs would like to take the opportunity to spread the knowledge of the figure of Marconi (in the dates around the anniversary of his birth, on April 25) and, at the same time, to promote the international activities of experimentation of Italian amateur radio operators, who will be able to hoist the antenna through the use of a kite, to the remarkable height of over one hundred meters.

The initiative of the A.R.I. Clubs of Ferrara and Fidenza (PR) originated from an idea of Carlo Pavarani IZ4YET, HAM and kiter, and has already won the prestigious patronage of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation (www.fgm.it), that promotes research in telecommunications and undertakes initiatives aimed at the diffusion of scientific knowledge and of the work of Guglielmo Marconi.

During the radio transmissions the special callsign IY4MKD (Marconi Kite Day) will be used, issued on the occasion by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Communications Department. A special QSL card will be used to confirm every QSO.

The charm and historical significance of the experiment will be further enhanced by numerous international bilateral radio contacts, with a focus on Canadian and British amateur stations, the locations involved in the first historical transatlantic wireless link in 1901.

It will be a unique event of this kind, which will merge the technical aspects (intercontinental radio communications) to the "cultural-historical" ones: an excellent summary of the "Amateur Radio Service", which basically consists in carrying out educational activities and research for the development of technical knowledge, ideally aimed at uniting peoples and nations around the world.

QSL Manager : IQ4FE
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Italy : SASE (busta preaffrancata e preindirizzata)
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Others countries : 2$ SAE

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