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Sezione di Fidenza (PR) - Casella postale 66 - piazza Garibaldi, 25-F  43036 Fidenza (Parma)

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ARI Fidenza - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani


8th and 9th June, 2024

Elettra Back On Air!
I Y 4 R F E

Ham Radio Activation of
“Elettra“ Yacht  

Villa Griffone - Pontecchio Marconi (ITALY) - JN54PK

With the sponsorship of
“Guglielmo Marconi Foundation” and "Marconi Museum"


A.R.I. Fidenza (Parma – Italy), affiliated to the Italian Radioamateur Association (A.R.I.), organizes a techincal – cultural event, hold  at the seat of the
Marconi Museum

Guglielmo Marconi Foundation (Villa Griffone – Pontecchio Marconi , Bologna – Italy)

on saturday, June
8.th and Sunday, June 9.th, 2024.

Since the first edition (2013) of this annual event, the intent was to highlight on an international level the historical and cultural value of the "ELETTRA" yacht, which was the mobile laboratory of the great scientist on board which very important experiments concerning radio communications.

Over the whole weekend, the radioamateurs of the A.R.I. Fidenza group will operate a radio station located close to the relict keel of the yacht “Elettra”, kept at the Museum, and will ideally give new life to its “voice", allowing the radioamateurs overall in the world to get in contact with it.

The radio contacts will be operated using the special callsign of Marconian commemorative station
I Y 4 R F E

as part of the amateur radio
organized by our Section with the historical consultancy of the Marconi Museum
on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the scientist's birth.

"Elettra back on air!" project has obtained the prestigious sponsorship of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, which is known as promoter of research activities in the field of the telecommunications and undertakes initiatives aimed to disseminate the knowledge about the scientific activity conducted by the great Italian inventor.  

For any detail and information:
www.arifidenza.it    www.fgm.it   www.museomarconi.it 


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