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ARI Fidenza


 International Amateur Radio Award

is an international amateur award organized by A.R.I. Fidenza, a Radio Club affiliated to A.R.I., Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (Italian Amateur Radio League) with the sponsorship and the historical consultancy and supervision of
Marconi Museum

  (Guglielmo Marconi Foundation)

As is well known, on board the yacht "ELETTRA" Guglielmo Marconi conducted numerous and revolutionary scientific experiments related to wireless communications, in a continuous succession of exciting successes that the public opinion of the time often interpreted as real prodigies.

Just think of when the great scientist, from the radio room of the Elettra, anchored in the port of Genoa, turned on the lights of the Sydney Town Hall, on the other side of the planet, using a radio signal.
Or again, blind navigation in the Gulf of Tigullio, carried out by means of a radio beacon; without forgetting the radar experiments and microwave transmissions.

It is no coincidence, therefore, that the poet Gabriele D'Annunzio defined Elettra
“White ship that sails in the miracle and animates the silences of the world”.

"Elettra: the miracle ship"
award therefore intends to commemorate the prodigious events that saw the yacht as the protagonist,
in the centenary of the ship's official registration in the Italian Naval Register
with the new name of "ELETTRA", which took place in 1921.

The name (the original one was "Rovenska") was expressly chosen by Marconi, who some years later also gave it to one of his daughters, Princess Elettra.

So, every month of the 2021 year is dedicated to a specific event related to Elettra ship, and is associated to a different special callsign.


MONTH SPECIAL CALL Elettra celebrating event
JANUARY II4BLD Construction of the ship (1901 -1904)
FEBRUARY II4BUY The ship is bought by Guglielmo Marconi (1919)
MARCH II4RDF Radio transmission experiments from onboard of ELETTRA at 300 miles from Lissabon (1920)
APRIL II4DNZ Marconi goes to Fiume, aboard the Elettra, welcomed by D'Annunzio (1920)
MAY II4REG The ship is officially registered in the Italian Navy Register with "ELETTRA" name(1921)
JUNE II4SWE Short Waves experimental campaign (1923)
JULY II4DXS From port of Genoa, remote switch-on of Sydney lighting system (1930)
AUGUST II4MWS Micro Waves experiments start (1931)
SEPTEMBER II4SML Experiments in Santa Margherita Ligure (1932)
OCTOBER II4RDP Experiments in Rocca di Papa - Golfo Aranci (1932)
NOVEMBER II4BLN Blind navigation by means of a Radio Beacon (1934)
DECEMBER II4DTH Marconi’s death and ship’s following events (1937 - 1977)

Click on callsigns to check your presence in LOG and analyze statistics informations about Award

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The award period lasts the whole year 2021: every month of the year is dedicated to one specific event, and is associated to a different special callsign, as listed in table.

 To make as many QSO as possible with the "special commemorative stations” listed in table.

In addition to the monthly special callsign listed in table, during the whole year 2021 the “Jolly station” IQ4FE will be also randomly active on the air.
The contacts with this station will allow to recover up to a maximum of two not contacted monthly callsigns, according to the following rule:
To recover 1 monthly special callsign: at least 3 QSOs with IQ4FE during the year are required;
To recover 2 monthly special callsigns: at least 6 QSOs with IQ4FE during the year are required.

From 00.01 UTC of January 1 st, 2021 to 23.59 UTC of December 31st, 2021

 The award is worldwide, open to all Radioamateurs in the world

1.8, 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28, 50, 144 e 430 MHz:
160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2 e 0,7 meters

CW, SSB and all admitted digital modes, e.g. : RTTY, FT8, JT65, JT9, PSK.

 RS(T) report only.


 Each commemorative station can be contacted by the same station (callsign) only one time per day on the same band and using the same emission mode. Any additional contact with the same station on the same day, on the same band and using the same emission mode will be considered as a DUPE QSO, and its score will be set to zero points.

Each valid (e.g. not dupe) QSO accounts for:

- 1 point for NOT QRP stations (emission power > 5 W)

- 2 points for QRP stations (emission power ≤ 5 W)

For each participating station, the total monthly score PM will be calculated as follows:
PM = S•N
where S is the overall monthly score, that is, the sum of the scores of all QSOs performed in the relevant month, and N is the total number of QSOs performed in that month.
The multiplying factor N is introduced with the aim to foster the participation and assiduity on the air of the radioamateur stations, “rewarding” the most perseverant stations being equal the total number of QSOs made with the monthly activating stations.
For each participating station, the overall annual score PT will be calculated as the sum of all 12 monthly scores PM obtained over the whole year.

 The logs of the special commemorative stations will be uploaded to the website www.arifidenza.it
on a regular basis. As a general rule, each log of the previous month will be uploaded within the
10 th of the current month.
The overall log of each month will be available clicking on the special callsign in table.

There is only one participation cathegory, based on the absolute score ranking.
Award’s certificates:
- A Participation Certificate
will be assigned to every station having contacted at least one time each of the twelwe award’s special callsigns.
 - A Special Certificate (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
will be assigned to the first, second and third best scored participants respectively, based on the overall yearly score.
All certificates will be made available for downolad on www.arifidenza.it
The final award’s ranking will also be published on the same website.

The official reference website for any info related to
this award is : www.arifidenza.it.

The A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee is responsible for any evaluation or decision on aspects related to the award, including any judgement about compliance with (or infringement of) the rules stated in this document during the activity On Air and any related litigation.
All participants are expected to follow a respectful behavior, according to the general fair play principles and “HAM spirit”.
In case of any documented evidence of violation of the rules stated in this document, as well as in case of unfair, unsportsmanlike behavior, the A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee is empowered to take adequate disciplinary actions, including score cut back or disqualification. The decisions taken by the A.R.I. Fidenza Award Committee will be irrevocable and unappellable.

QSL MANAGER : IQ4FE  -  QSL via Bureau or direct

For direct QSL, please NO IRC, NO STAMPS !

For Italy : SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope);
For Europe : 2 US $ + SAE (Self Addressed Envelope);
For Pacific Area : 4 US $ + SAE;
For other countries : 3 US $ + SAE;

For any insufficient money contribution, the QSL will be sent via bureau.

Il sito è in rete dal 06 agosto
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