FORUM RADIOAMATORIALE - manutenzione 13/09/16
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 manutenzione 13/09/16
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Inserito il - 12/09/2016 : 18:08:45  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Iw0gwt Invia a Iw0gwt un Messaggio Privato

QRZ Planned System Maintenance - Tuesday 9/13/16 00:00 UTC

QRZ will be conducting planned system maintenance on Tuesday 9/13/16 at 00:00 UTC. Note that this is 5:00 PM Monday evening on the west coast (00:00 UTC).

We will be moving our servers into a new private cloud so that we can take advantage of Amazon's (AWS) newest datacenter offerings. This move also enhances security and will give us enhanced system reliability.

We expect to have everything back online by 03:00 UTC if all goes well. Our engineering team has already built a trial system in the private cloud and everything went as planned. The QRZ database server also has to be moved and this takes a couple of hours due to the large amount of data involved.

All QRZ services will be affected during the maintenance window, including the Logbook, the XML service, and the QRZ Support center (hint: they all use the database).

Thanks to all for your continued support and patience. 73 -fred AA7BQ

 Regione Lazio  ~ Prov.: Roma  ~ Città: Roma  ~  Messaggi: 1673  ~  Membro dal: 22/06/2006  ~  Ultima visita: 06/01/2023


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Inserito il - 13/09/2016 : 15:14:34  Link diretto a questa risposta  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di I1WSM  Clicca sul telefono per chiamare con Skype  I1WSM Invia a I1WSM un Messaggio Privato
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Modificato da - I1WSM in data 13/09/2016 15:15:12

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