FORUM RADIOAMATORIALE - JTDX 2.2.0 rc152 release for on air testing - FWD
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 JTDX 2.2.0 rc152 release for on air testing - FWD
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Inserito il - 27/08/2020 : 15:36:31  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di IW1AYD Invia a IW1AYD un Messaggio Privato
HAMLIB è di nuova versione, forse - non ho modo di provare - elimina i problemi per la gestione dei VFO per FT857
... diverse altre migliorie e riallineamento con versione di WSJTX.
Nessun problema con GridTracker, con W10. Le funzioni base con ICOM e ELECRAFT sembrano a posto, salvo orrori e dimenticanze :-)

73 de iw1ayd Salvo


Hello all

JTDX 2.2.0 rc152 release for on air testing

Please read all the guidance and if unsure check out links or post in the group if answers cannot be found in the links or group.
Please use your callsign when posting or the post will be removed thank you

A clean install is recommended, failure to do so may cause unexpected results.

r- added WSJT-X 2.2.2 FT8 protocol contest changes, version number is changed to 2.2.0 to match it to the new WSJT-X FT8 protocol

- patch to prevent FT8 decoder freezing under Mac/Linux operating systems when multiple decoding cycles being used
- dark style can now be activated from General tab of configuration UI, multiple changes to get better appearance with dark style
- fixed AutoSeq bug for 'Wanted' in AnswerB4 configuration
- prevent FT8S/FT8SD decode with message originated from own callsign
- prevent getting incoming type 1 calls with <...> instead of user's nonstandard callsign(failure to associate hash with own non-standard callsign in incoming calls)
- FT8 frequency filter is expanded: added +-10Hz of bandwidth
- improved DT estimation for FT8 signal subtraction
- improved FT8 signals subtraction on overcrowded bands, now using GFSK waveform at signal subtraction
- multiple changes towards GFSK sync to FT8 signals
- patch: prevent getting out of ccfred() bounds in JT9 decoder being in JT9+65 mode
- patch: i3 type 1 decoded message starting from <...> shall not be checked for false decode
- patch: prevent accessing s() array out of bounds in sync8.f90
- added Radio power on/off startup option, can be controlled in 'Radio' tab of configuration settings via 'Rig power' checkbox, added tooltip: translation is needed
- patch to networking: <EQSLSDATE:8> ADIF field shall contain date
- improved eQSL checkbox control
- clear DX Call and DX Grid at band/mode change
- added keyboard shortcuts to ALT+B/C to switch to FT8/FT4 modes
- clear warnings for Qt 5.14.2 JTDX win64 builds
- minor improvement to FT8 downsampling
- handle Halt Tx -> Enable Tx sequence in FT8S decoder re-activation
- added preliminary support to Dutch language
- added Hungarian and Swedish translations, many thanks to Ali HA3LI and Roger SM0LTV for this contribution
- translation updates
- ALLCALL7.TXT update as of 20200820, big cty version as of 20200804, LoTW users list is updated as of 20200821
- JTDX 2.2.0-rc152 is built with modified Hamlib source code taken at Hamlib commit 331d9773b05215b998364d72217c95941ffdd392 as of August 21st

win64 builds made under Qt 5.14.2
win32 builds made under Qt 5.9.5 where Windows XP is not supported, special JTDX 152 win32 build for Windows XP is made under Qt 5.5

Language translation: language templates are updated, templates and related source code rc152 as of August 25th, 2020 can be downloaded from this link:

16-bit audio builds:

MS Windows 64bit, built SW:
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-win64.exe
SHA-256: 4C832D6E21AB0A4D4723CBFA41C4C965BB1A148E700F1AE281FE74614E0EAFE2

MS Windows 32bit, built SW:
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-win32.exe
SHA-256: D0838BCB489A5CCDFCB322058BF20B1BF8296E4766169826E5F698B89B3AD799

MS Windows XP 32bit, built SW:
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-win32-winxp.exe
SHA-256: 4912B568228C9779FB3746A512C7BE0992789E938A6EB860B0A4F238C3765D60

Mac OS X: High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina
built SW (Mac OS X 10.12 ... 10.15)
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-darwin.dmg
SHA-256: B173AE49C62EC68D72514633EFB636821F54774B223BE3C6FE05C618C5DB35BE

Mac OS X: El Capitan, Sierra
built SW (Mac OS X 10.11)
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-odarwin.dmg
SHA-256: 945D6EC999E6E87DD80E8D0E9F6BAFE6AE9922A71BBE50FCED0A4F4EB77CE4D0


64-bit .deb (compiled in Ubuntu 20.04LTS):
SHA256: c3c896585669ae85730bb5cb54afa8dacc3efd0fcc8937f1a131a359c1cb70b2

64-bit .deb (compiled in Ubuntu 18.04LTS):
SHA256: ffb97fcaefe7973fd1651a0d26885cac04e69fad2a4d17f9ca3a2b951d7bebdc

64-bit .deb (compiled in Ubuntu 16.04LTS):
SHA256: d4267070da453e1f50b29bc4edfe95c0fc4c88d8c3d4c93f082dcee76b8b73ed

32-bit .deb (compiled in Ubuntu 16.04LTS):
SHA256: f7b2d8d5fcb5f3406610e634d1685ad1619a22fc48ddb6a51165f7ea4f2e89f6

armhf .deb (Compiled on Raspberry-PI3 in Ubuntu-18.04LTS Bionic):
SHA256: a237e46d8af478d17396fc6d93fc805408e87aee419480a97151b10a92c550c0

32-bit audio builds:

MS Windows 64bit, built SW:
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_32a-win64.exe
SHA-256: FA1C9BB425718001F1FD7B451A4A2CDF55F4D487575EDF628DC111B6B0B609E1

MS Windows 32bit, built SW:
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_32a-win32.exe
SHA-256: 1280DBFD44BC01661A4481B316B7A19A169814B6BBD9728AB7CBB387F4AACA1B

Mac OS X: High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina
built SW (Mac OS X 10.12 ... 10.15)
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_32a-darwin.dmg
SHA-256: 780005CC7627E163BFF78DAAC1872C943C534E4180A75EE487BFDC458FAACA09

Mac OS X: El Capitan, Sierra
built SW (Mac OS X 10.11)
checksum jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_32a-odarwin.dmg
SHA-256: 747491850C5E7678E61FE897E562D9B6823303F2BC4CFF52C79FBE3986007866


64-bit .deb version-32A (compiled in Ubuntu 20.04LTS):
SHA256: 3fdc5f515b5852715f229ecd23df894184c3f1b4e6cf4c9919b00c480fde5f00

All alternative download from

Source code Links to source

All wav samples can be downloaded as Zip files from links on will be updated shortly to reflect the step release, if any users require immediate links please E-mail

File Checksum Utility

Thank you and have a great week there
73 David

E per chi usa Debian e derivati o Fedora ...

Greetings Igor, David et al.

Newly uploaded to website
JTDX installation packages
together with checksum control files for:

Debian 10.5 64bit systems:

- jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_deb10.5-lgf5_amd64.deb
- jtdx-2.2.0-rc152_deb10.5-lgf5_amd64-SHA256.txt

Please note the following:
- I introduced additional item in package filename,
"lgf5" which stands for "libgfortran5",
meaning gfortran-8_8.3.0-6 was used,
- package includes also hamlib relevant files.
- Operating System on which above package
is to be used __MUST__ satisfy all necessary
dependencies; please consult "INSTALL" file
in jtdx sources and "control" file in this package itself
(/DEBIAN/control), where all dependants ale listed.

Fedora 31 64bit systems:

- jtdx-2.2.0.rc152-0.fc31.lgf5.x86_64.rpm
- jtdx-2.2.0.rc152-0.fc31.lgf5.x86_64-SHA256.txt

Please note the following:
- this package __DOES NOT__ include hamlib files,
- I introduced additional item in package filename,
"lgf5" which stands for "libgfortran5",
meaning RedHat gfortran-9.3.1-2 was used,
- Operating System on which above package
is to be used __MUST__ satisfy all necessary
dependencies; please consult "INSTALL" file
in jtdx sources and "REQUIRES" file
in this package itself (/INFO/REQUIRES),
where all dependants ale listed.

Slackware 14.2 64bit systems:

- jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-slack14.2-x86_64.txz
- jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-slack14.2-x86_64-SHA256.txt

Please note the following:
- package includes also hamlib relevant files.

All packages been built with latest
on relevant Operating Systems, updated&upgraded to-date.

Relevant links on main page will be updated shortly.

Feedback related to issues, installation and usage
of above packages will be very much appreciated.

Have a lot of fun.
Best regards.

Tom - SP2L
It is nice to be important.
But it is more important to be nice!
Nobody is mistaken - so do I.


Modificato da - IW1AYD in Data 27/08/2020 15:41:51

 Regione Piemonte  ~ Prov.: Torino  ~ Città: Torino  ~  Messaggi: 1245  ~  Membro dal: 04/02/2006  ~  Ultima visita: 28/02/2023


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Inserito il - 28/08/2020 : 16:42:19  Link diretto a questa risposta  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di IW1AYD Invia a IW1AYD un Messaggio Privato
Versione 32 bit per W7

73 de iw1ayd Salvo


Hi all

I hope things are good

Please find below links to r 2.2.0 152 x32 build for Winxp


Hash jtdx-2.2.0-rc152-win32xp-sha256.txt will be updated shortly to reflect the change
This was built, compiled under x32 JTSDK on Win 7 machine

Thank you and have a great weekend

73 David

 Regione Piemonte  ~ Prov.: Torino  ~ Città: Torino  ~  Messaggi: 1245  ~  Membro dal: 04/02/2006  ~  Ultima visita: 28/02/2023 Torna all'inizio della Pagina
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